How to upload large files on zyro

How to upload large files on zyro? The short answer is that You can't upload large files on zyro but there's a workaround. I'll also show you how to make the files force download(download without redirecting) and how to bypass Google's "file is too large to scan for virus" page.

Akwuiwu Mel

5/13/20233 min read

How to upload large files on zyro
How to upload large files on zyro

Zyro has a limit when it comes to uploads. It's 100mb as at the time of writting this blog post. So what do you do? You have to upload your file on a file storage service such as OneDrive or Dropbox and then embed the link in a download button. I'll be walking you through 3 ways you to do this.

It's not possible but...

One file storage service you can use is google drive. It offers up to 15gb of space for free. All you need is a gmail account to be able to access it. There's an issue though. For large files, you will ecounter a "this file is too large to be scanned for virus" page but there's a way to bypass it.

Google Drive

First you need to get the link to the file.

How to get a google drive file sharing link
How to get a google drive file sharing link

Make sure you set the link to anyone can view then copy it

How to set a google drive file sharing link to "anyone with link can view""
How to set a google drive file sharing link to "anyone with link can view""
How to set a google drive file sharing link to "anyone with link can view""
How to set a google drive file sharing link to "anyone with link can view""

After that, paste it here

How to skip google's virus scan for large files
How to skip google's virus scan for large files

Click the download button

How to skip google's virus scan for large files
How to skip google's virus scan for large files

Now right click the "click here to download" button and copy the link address

How to skip google's virus scan for large files
How to skip google's virus scan for large files

Once you get the link, copy it and embed it in your download button in zyro.

File storage service number two. Dropbox. It offers up to 2gb of space for free. All you need is a free account to be able to access it.

First you need to get the link to the file. In my experience, dropbox is set to "anyone can view" by default.


Just hover on the file and click on "copy link"

How to get a dropbox file sharing link
How to get a dropbox file sharing link

After that, replace dl=o with dl=1 in your URL. For example:

should become

Once you get the link, copy it and embed it in your download button in zyro.

The only downside to this is the 2gb of free space which is probably too small but you can upgrade.

File storage service number three. OneDrive. It offers up to 5gb of space for free. Just signup for a free account to be able to access it.


First you need to get the embed link to the file.

How to get a OneDrive embed link
How to get a OneDrive embed link
How to get a OneDrive embed link
How to get a OneDrive embed link
How to get a OneDrive embed link
How to get a OneDrive embed link

After that, Copy and paste the code in a notepad or anywhere you can make adjustments.

Change "embed" to "download"

How to force download a OneDrive file
How to force download a OneDrive file
How to force download a OneDrive file
How to force download a OneDrive file

Copy the link in quotes and embed it in your download button in Zyro.

Voila! I hope this was able to solve your problem!